The Positive Side of Corporate Compliance

Moses sits with stone tablets at a desk and says to a businessman, "We only have a few rules around here, but we really enforce them."

We all know the risks of non-compliance in the corporate world. The news is filled with stories of fraud, bribery, and money laundering not to mention stories of illegal harassment issues and discrimination. Being taken to court is expensive both to your bottom line and to your reputation. Some companies do not survive the charges.

Savvy companies protect themselves as best they can from law suits by instituting corporate compliance training for all their employees…not just their HR folks. Their goal is to establish a fair and respectful workplace - an environment of respect and an organization-wide model of integrity. This is a challenging goal, partly because there are so many changes in regulations. It takes constant vigilance to keep up with state, federal and global rules for ethical conduct. No longer are there just a “few rules” as in the cartoon. 

Today’s corporations understand that compliance is not just a matter of following the rules on paper but a way of doing business. Employees, from the CEO on down, should operate with integrity in everything they do. And this attitude is what fosters the positive side of compliance…

When you have a company that values ethics in all aspects of the business, you add value in intangible, but mission-critical, ways. Here are some of the benefits of a strong compliance program for:

When employees commit to the absolute standard of ethical conduct, there is a feeling of pride in and loyalty to the organization. This enhances employee engagement, performance and retention.

Customers care about buying from a company with a good reputation. They appreciate working with an organization that shares their values and they pay with their loyalty.

Investors are attracted to organizations with a clean record of compliance. They know their investment will be well handled and secure.

Think of compliance not just as important to manage risks but as a foundation to attract and retain employees, customers and investors.

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