4 Potentially Costly Corporate Compliance Slipups

Corporate compliance training experts have identified the top 4 corporate compliance slipups made by Human Resources that can incur liability for the organization. Everyone makes mistakes, but you will want to be sure that your HR staff is neither negligent nor ignorant of current laws governing employment. Their mistakes in particular can be very costly for the company.

Be sure that your HR department:
  1. Understands that the privileged information that comes their way from employees and managers is confidential. They are often the recipients of secrets. Should they make such secrets public, they will have broken their pledge of silence and undermined the integrity of the department.
  2. Facilitates communication between employees and management, provides standards for documenting transactions and agreements, and keeps records on potentially liable interactions.
  3. Keeps up with new laws and updates company policies and procedures to reflect such changes and to remain compliant.
  4. Remains as objective as possible. As hard as it may be to keep personal feelings out of decisions especially around termination, it is the role of HR to be completely and utterly fair in their dealings with all employees.

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