5 Critical Pieces of Advice for Effective Corporate Compliance

No large organization can afford to risk non-compliance…the cost is too great. But what must really be in place for compliance to be truly effective and protect the company from fines and legal action?

Corporate compliance training experts have put together 5 critical pieces of advice:
  1. Understand that compliance makes good business sense.  An ethical, law-observant culture draws good employees and secures the company’s reputation.
  2. Regular monitoring is a necessity.  Even the best program needs to be tracked, audited and adjusted regularly to meet the realities of the marketplace.
  3. Expect managers to be good role models, accurate observers and proactive in addressing any problems.   They are the ones closest to the employees who are likely to notice current or potential  infractions.
  4. Model and Encourage the right behavior.   In addition to walking the talk, find a way to acknowledge and reward employees who exhibit acts of ethical leadership.
  5. Provide customized training and reinforcement.  In terms of changing behavior, not just any compliance training will do. The information needs to be provided in a manner and on a platform that is appropriate to the target audience for your specific company strategy, culture and situation.

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